
tmux tips

There are three basic concepts in tmux: pane, window, session.
After you run tmux in shell, you open a pane in a window in a session.

Let’s first consider the pane operation in one window:

ctl + B + %: splite current pane into two, left and right
ctl + B + ": splite current pane into two, up and down
ctl + B + z: full screen for current pane, or return back.

If you want multiple window:

ctl + B + c: create a window

If you login your linux system, you can:

tmux ls: to see the sessions    
tmux a -t session_name(or session number): to attach to related session

If you want to copy log in tmux to a file:

ctl + b + :
capture-pane -S -3000 + return  this copied 3000 lines into buffer
ctl + b + :
save-buffer /path/to/your_file  this copied content in buffer to file,
                                in my environment, path should be a full path.

tmux will use .bash_profile by default, so if you want to use the configures in
.bashrc,you should “source ~/.bashrc” in .bash_profile. One problem I met is tmux
fails to output colors for some commands such as ls, “source ~/.bashrc” in .bash_profile
can solve this problem.